Saturday, February 27, 2010

Can I complain about some things stressing me out?

I'm sure most everyone has been through at some point in thier life. Trying to sell a Car or a House, both can be very stressful. We unfortunitly are doing both right now. Yes we still own our home, well at least till May 5th or so. * If you weren't here to read my very first blog, I'll give you a quick heads up on whats going on* We put our house up for sale last February way under what we owe for it (short sale). We weren't getting any bites on it and were having trouble keeping up with the mortgage payment, so we moved in with my parents and rented out our house in hopes of being able to keep it while it was up for sale and still be able to make the mortgage payment. We moved out in March of 09 and our renters moved in at the end of April, it took them a few weeks to give us thier payment for May but not until June, then they didn't give us Junes payment till the end of July and then July's in august but by the time they gave us those payments were were already getting threats for forclosure so at the beginning of August we had got an eviction notice to kick them out. After 30 days the renters were still in the house and refusing to leave so we have to file another eviction notice for 7 days and they again didn't move out. We ended up going to court and having an agrument in the middle of the hallway. We got what we wanted though and they were ordered by the courts to move out. After there time was up we went back to the house and took the rest of thier things out and changed the locks on the house. Unfortunitly they went back to the house and vandalized it (busting out a window and trashing the yard). By that point we were fed up and just couldn't wait to get rid of the house, we tried to do a Deed In Lieu of Forclosure (were you hand over your deed of your house without going into forclosure) obviously the mortgage company does not want us to do that because our house went to Sheriff Sale back in November and we haven't heard anything since then. I got a call the other day from our realtor let us know that a managment company has taken over but the house is still ours till May 5th. So we have no worrys as far as the house goes anymore and the realtor dropped the price of our house $20,000 to hopefully get it sold before we completely loose it. I so hope someone finally buys it so we don't have to deal with forclosure, but I unfortunitly do not see that happening.
And on top of the stress of that we are trying to sell our blazer. Its not longer of any use to us (and hasn't been since Kara was born). The Hubby ended buying a truck with 3 seats in the back so thankfully we can fit all 3 girls in it and of course my car we have 3 seats to fit all 3 girls but the blazer has only 2 seats in back. We finally placed in on craigslist and have been getting people interested in looking but I just don't see it selling fast.
This is just so stressful. I just hope that we can get rid of this stress soon so I can start worrying about other things (that are more important).

Have a Great Day!


Kimberly said...

Do you feel better you got this off your chest? sometimes writing things down helps! That stinks about your house! and your car! wow! Sending some LUCK your way!!!

Catrina said...

Yeah I feel alot better about getting off my chest now. I just hate that it is taking so long to sell the house but I am so glad to be out of there it made our family alot more stressed and caused more problems then it was worth. Thanks hopefully we get some luck soon and sell both. :)

Momof3inVA said...

I have bought two homes in my 30 years...the first one was a piece of cake...the second one, I was selling and buying at the same time.

I mean, that was one of the most stressful times of my life. I mean, stress like that will turn your hair gray!