Monday, December 13, 2010

Chapter 20 - 12 Month Milestones

Weeks 45-48

Oh "No". As soon as your baby grasps the concept of "no," he/she'll love teasing it out of you every chance he/she gets. To elicit a big N-O from you or your partner, he/she might bang his/her sippy cup on the table, yank on your hair, or go for things he/she knows are off-limits, such as the television remote or the phone cord. He/she might even look at you with a mischievous grin as he/she does it. To him/her, it's less about rebelling or even getting his/her hands on the forbidden item than it is about getting your attention and getting a rise out of you. Consider this a primitive form of schoolyard teasing, and respond by redirecting, not scolding. Take her sippy cup away and calmly say, "All done. Just like the kids in the schoolyard, when she can't get a rise out of you, he/she'll lose interest in testing your limits. Offering some extra positive attention - hugs and kisses, snuggle time with a book - might help him/her see thiere are better ways of getting your attention than acting out.

It won't be long, however, until your baby starts saying "no" herself. He/she might have already figured out how to shake his/her head, but once he/she spits out the word itself - an easy-to-say single syllable.

Speedy Learner. By this week your baby's balance has likely improved enough that he/she can stand for a short while without any support. He/she might not take any steps, and he/she'll look a little wobbly, but once he/she's confindent in his/her newfound ablility, he/she'll attempt a few steps of hands-free cruising, then grab on to the nearest piece of furniture as he feels him/herself lose his/her balance. Soon he/she'll start to venture away from the walls and furniture, a step you can encourage by standing int he center of the room with a smiling face and open arms (or a favorite toy). Some babies progress from these first shaky steps to true walking nearly overnight, while others continue practicing for a month or more. That's fine. The average age range for walking is 12-15 months, but anywhere from ages 9 to 18 months is considered normal.

Your child understands more of what you say every day and can respond in a number of nonverbal ways. When you mention a toy, he/she might look in its direction or point to it; if you ask where the airplane is, he/she might point to the sky. To help him/her nail down a few key vocabualry words and avoid confusion, focus this week on using a single word to describe and object or person in his/her life. For example, call your cat "kitty" or by its actual name - but not both.

Your baby's new obsessions. As your baby gains greater control of his/her boday and more dexterity, he/she might begin "helping" you dress his/her by extending his/her arms into his/her onesies, sticking his/her feet into his/her shoes, and pulling his/her sicks off - an all-time baby favorite. Watch for a potentional streaker on your hands. Many babies who figure out how to wriggle out of their clothes love to peel off every stitch, including their diapers, and make a break for it.

Beyond clothing, there's plenty to interest your baby these days. Some children are obsessed with banging on things - the louder the better. Offer an appropriate musical outlet by stocking a low kitchen cabinet with nonbreakable pots, lids, plastic containers, and wooden spoons, so he/she can drum to her heart's content. His/her kitchen play buys you cooking time, and having his/her own special cabinet might keep his/her out of others he/she shouldn't be exploring.

Talking up a Storm. By this stage your almost-toddler is likely chatting up a storm. That's not to say he/she's necessarily uttering actual words, but you'll hear a distinctly conversation like pattern to the way he/she talks, as if his/her nonsensical ramblings were an actual dialogue. For instance, the infelction of his/her voice will go up and down to indicate sentences and questions, and he/she might chatter for minutes at a time, as if he/she's eanestly trying to tell you something. Even if you don't understand one word, you can encourage your baby's first-word efforts by responding as if you understood everything he/she said: "Really,honey? Wow, that's so interesting! And then what happened?" Once in a while you might even hear a real word or two thrown in there.

Happy 1st Birthday Baby you made it through your first year!!

For More informations on these Milestones, Please visit
Have an Oh So Wonderful Day!

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