Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A day of appointments...

This morning started off early, okay when Devin has school everyday starts off early but I can usually nap. Today started off early to the point were we had to be at U of M at 9:30 in the morning for a day filled with Doctors visits. First was Brookes Ultrasound/Xray appointment which other then sitting in the waiting room for a while, both ultrasound and xray went well. We then walked down to her appointment with her Orthopedic surgeon Dr. C we made it to the appointment 10 minutes early and were there for about a 1/2 hour, that appointment also went well and we have great news! Brooke's final appointment and the last time she will have to wear her nightly brace will be in June. Well I am almost guessing that the doc will want to see her every so often to make sure that things are still great. After that appointment and the wonderful news we went to see Dr. N so that he could adjust Brooke's brace because it was causing some red marks.
Okay let me stop here for a second just in case you are wondering what in the world is going on.... Brooke was born with a club foot (her right foot to be exact) and had to have her heel cord cut at just 2 1/2 months old. You can barely see her scar, it is perfectly hidden by the creases in her heel. Unless you are actually looking for the differences you can barely tell that there was anything wrong with her foot to begin with. Her right foot is exactly 1cm smaller then her left foot.
So now on with the rest of our day.... we were finished with her appointments by 11am we went and had some lunch and then it was back to U of M for Devin's turn. We ended up sitting in the car for a while since we finished lunch early. We went to her appointment at 1:40pm. The good news.... Devin does not have a broken nose, just alot of bruising and swelling that will probably take about 6 months to completely heal. She also has a severly deveated septum, but it will probably not be fixed until after puberty and that is only if she starts having troubles breathing.

So for the most part we had a pretty good day enough if we spend the most of it at a hospital and full of doctors appointments.

Have a Great Day!


Kimberly said...

Aren't you glad today is over!!! You had a good day! Glad your daughter's nose isn't broken.

Catrina said...

Kimberly I am SOO happy today is over! it was a very (very) long day. :)

Mrs. B said...

wow, what a long day! glad to hear her nose isn't broken though! :)

Anonymous said...

THANK God!!!!!I can't imagine anybody looking at a picture of that nose and thinking it wasn't broken--but it wasn't! THANK God!!!
More good news about the brace, checkups every now and then sound okay. I know you're tired. Hope you're sleeping as I type this.

Catrina said...

I know even the doc said that you could see were the tip of her nose kinda bent the a little but thankfully its just because of the deviated septum. I so agree I am so glad that she will be out of her brace and a year ahead of schedule! Yeah I think I was going to bed about the time you typed your comment I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.