I Am Thankful For....
I mean seriously we all know (okay at least I know) I am most Thankful for The Hubby and are 4 little girlies!
For being able to be a Stay At Home Mommy (its the best job I could ever have!)
For Gripe Water.. I don't know about you but my hiccups hurt and I know Carly's do to!
That Kara stopped handing me poop every time she shit in her diaper!
That Carly (for the most part) sleeps through the night!
That I have caring Parents who have helped us out so much!
For my Family!
The Internet (because lets face it if we didn't have it I wouldn't be writing this blog now would I?)
My pets
For Jesus because well without him I wouldn't have all these things to be Thankful for!

All Images are Courtesy of Google Images
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