Wow time sure is flying, here is what milestones your little one will possibly hit between 8-12 weeks.
SLEEP! By this time baby should be sleeping through the night maybe even 6 or more hours at a time, but don't get to excited because some babies still aren't sleeping through the night by now in fact it could still be a few more weeks or even months before baby starts sleeping through the night.
Rolling over. Some baby's start rolling over around now, they may go from back to side although they may not fulling roll over until between 4-6 months. Some baby's may roll from tummy to back before they ever roll from back to tummy. Carly has mastered rolling from belly to back, so tummy time is very hard to do anymore since she hates tummy time.
More Routine. You may notice that baby's day seems more routine then before, eating, playing and sleeping may become more predictable around now. Carly has gotten into such a routine that she actually has to sleep in her crib for her morning nap and her nap that she takes in the late afternoon, she's not to keen with the noise and commotion that goes on around those times.
Attention Hound. Baby will probably be expecting more attention now that she/he can actually talk to you and move around a little more, they are less likely to just sit there and be quite like they use to be, try to find ways to entertain babe. Like a playmat, or making faces at baby, talking and other such things.
Eating more. When you start noticing that baby is not going as long between feedings it may be time to up the ounces that he/she is getting between feeding, just like baby thier belly is growing to and can hold more food now. Which is an advantage to you because that means longer hours of sleep!
Head Control. By now baby can lift his his/her head up 90 degrees when he/shes on his/her belly.
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