Geeze it seems like all I ever blog about anymore is being sick or loosing weight... Are you as bored with these subjects as I am? I am still sick, I think I finally figured out why I can't get rid of whatever this is... Because I am not sleeping, why am I not sleeping you wonder? Well its very simple (well not really) I have 4 children but that's not the half of it, I have 4 children who are all sick and one is teething on top of being sick! I'm having a blast! You don't seriously believe me do you? I'm not having a blast I am miserable! I am not sleeping, I am barely eating, because my calories have been changed on to accommodate my new weight. I've lost 60 calories a day because of my new weight.
I took the children to the doctors today and as of today here is were we stand with my sick children....
#1 and #3 have viral infections, pretty much she said they have post nasel drip and should be fine. #2 is getting better from her croup and pnuemonia, she just needs to finish her meds. My poor little #4 has bronchilitis, is still wheezing and is now on steriods. Poor thing is still not feeling good, she had a horrible night sleep last night (as so did I) she is not eating as often, and when I gace her, her breathing treatment for the night she actually started passing out (which she never does). I really hope this doesn't last to much longer. I can't stand to see them all sick like this, especially when I am feeling like crap and feel like I am getting worse. My nose is so stuffed up that I tried to use my netti pot to empty my sinuses and it couldn't do it because I was so clogged up!
I didn't even exercise today because I feel so badly. But hey at least I am under my calories for today right? So there you have it...
Have and Oh So Wonderful Night!
I just found your blog and wanted to say hi and let you know I am your newest follower! :)
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