Its amazing, I have 4 girlies, the older 3 get sick and life goes on I take care of them and do what needs to be done to make them better. They get their pampering when they are ill (because of course I would be a mean mommy if they didn't). But what is it about the baby in the family that just makes your heart melt and you feel so sad and helpless when they are sick? Devin has yet another ear infection, thankfully she feels fine other wise, and we're so use to ear infections (with her at least) that things don't really change much (unless she is in severe pain) this time around she doesn't have pain, she just can't hear worth a shit. I'm afraid the child is going to end up needing a third set of ear tubes! (I sure hope not).
Kara at this time has again a double ear infection and double eye infection, she is now on antibiotics again! The poor child went through this back in december! I hope this isn't going to be a new thing for her to constantly have ear infections like Devin. I don't want to have another child have ear tubes placed. But if it helps her then so be it. She too seems fine at least during the day. She is running around playing and having fun. She is a little crabby but you (as well as I) need to remember she is 2! So now we wait for the antibiotics to kick in and start kicking butt. I hope this is the last time we have to deal with this...
Now on to my baby girl... The one I feel aweful for! The one who although seems happy and fine most of the time, I feel horrible for right now. She, like Kara has a double eye infection. But unlike Kara, Carly's eyes are much worse, it makes your eyes water to just look at her, it makes your eyes hurt to just look at her, I feel so aweful. One top of this though, she has a viral infection, yeah I know doesn't sound like a big deal does it? Well to make it worse she is wheezing and breathing fast. She can't suck on her binkie because of the congestion and the trouble she is having with breathing. She won't sleep in her crib so when she naps I have to sit with her in my bed (to make sure she doesn't fall off the bed). She is normally really clinging towards me and I know this, and I try to prevent this (normally) but I feel so bad for her right now that I don't mind the clingyness. She is in fact my baby girl and I want to make her as comfortable as possible. She is now on albuteral, or breathing treatments right now to help her with her breathing. Unfortunitly they informed me that she may also end up with asthma or wheezing problems down the road.... That really sucks! Well good thing we already know how to give breathing treatments and have a machine (since my Brooke has childhood asthma).
So for now I take care of my baby girl and feel so badly for her...
Have an Oh So Wonderful Day!
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