Friday, March 11, 2011

Me and My Crazy Kids....

So its been a while since I last posted some pictures of the kids and I.  So how about a little up-e-date?


I'm doing good. I'm tired (as always) but I'm managing to function some how (not sure how).  Taking care of the children's.  I'm exercising and the weight and inches are coming off!  The picture above shows me wearing a shirt that as you can see is baggy on me. Well the last time I wore it, it was tight all over.  So I'm sure you can understand my excitement.  I don't want to get into it to much since tomorrow is sucking it in saturday and we can talk about it more then :)


Devin is doing well.  She is doing good in school. Although she is constantly telling us she is bad in certain subjects she really isn't but for some reason she believes she is.  She has yet another cavity that needs to be filled and will eventually need braces.  She use to be so excited about braces, wanting them  before her adult teeth started coming in but now she doesn't. Go figure I don't understand kids...


I think Brooke is going through a growth spurt, this child is constantly eating!   She's still her drama queen self and still very emotional.  I hope its just a phase but I guess only time will tell.  She is extremely interested in playing Nick Jr. Games on the computer right now.  She has learned a lot from pre-k and is doing so well in spelling.  She can spell her first name, last name and her sister Kara's name. She is turning 5 soon. They grow up so fast!  If you have kids of your own then you already know this don't you?  Of course you do!


What can I say about my Karbear?  She is an extremely active 2 year old! She loves her binkie and her blankey and refuses to potty train.  She is a stubburn little butt monkey!  But her smile keeps me from being mad at her.  She loves to be naked, even during these cold winter months and no matter were we go she trys to take her shoes off (even at the store).  When she is shirtless we call her gibby and she loves it! (iCarly reference).  She has piercing ice blue eyes that can melt your heart!


My baby bundle... Carly is doing a lot better since her stay in the hospital due to RSV, Bronchiolitis and Pneumonia.  Her breathing is noticably better.  She doesn't even sound sick anymore.  She needs to get an updated x-ray to make sure her lungs are clear but I don't doubt that they are.  She's on the move now a days learning to scoot and crawl.  She is extremely close to sitting up on her own. and she has 2 teeth.  She wants to be held all the time which doesn't allow me to do much, unless I can find a way for her to be occupied with her toys.  Thankfully she likes playing (sometimes haha).

And there you have an update on me and the kids. 

Have an Oh So Wonderful Day!

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